Entry #1

date: dec-3-23 | time: 7:24pm

Hello nyall. I'm writing this blog entry real quick while eating a cup of noodles. It's this new kind of noodles at our grocery store at least. Cup of Noodles brand stir fry, specifically teriyaki beef flavor. tbh i'd say this is one of the better microwavable noodles ive had. The absolute best still goes to this spicy korean brand we found at the asian grocery store nearby :) the noodles are better quality and the soup mix is great plus i really like the mushrooms in it uvu. but these stir fry ones are significantly better than the normal microwave noodles. (there should be a pic here)

Quick update on site development

Ok so this is my first update since my thanksgiving holiday design blitz. I didn't get everything done i wanted to get done during that week but tbh i'm happy with the progress i did make. the whole new colorsceme is much better. ive got the main layout of every page worked out for the most part. today I got some work done on my minis page, took the pics, and got them all in place as well as hopefully fixed some element alignment oversights.

this upcoming week I want to get the text for the minis ive got uploaded worked out. theres a decent number of entries there so i'll have to remember to pace myself so i dont get burned out and leave this page unfinished again uou;;

alright i think this will be the end of this particular entry. i've still got some more "day before the next work week" type chores to get finished and some therapy work to do. thanks for reading :)

(Here's a cat pic to end this entry. he's been keeping me company as I worked on the site today)